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060 - SPECIAL Episode: Finding Your Inner Truth - Awakening the Collective


Hey Guys Nicole Gabriel here!

Today’s show is my 60th episode and I decided for these little milestones to step outside of my typical podcast material and touch on a topic related to one of the books I’ve written. Today I’m going to step a bit outside of what is written but into the energy behind the making of my first book Finding Your Inner Truth.

So, what some of you don’t know is that I am also a practitioner of shamanism and kundalini yoga. I’ve studied many metaphysical and spiritual practices over many years. This might be the core foundation of the teaching practices I bring into the book writing processes I teach. I’m a healer and intuitive that often times oversteps the functional business practices to introduce human practices of love, compassion and truth.

My background and story are rich and diverse. I see well beyond the norm. I think all of us creative types do. Those that write books channel information from their higher...

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